
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Summary Adopted Date Attachments
05-053 Resolution No. 05-053

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City and Richard T. Jesinger ("Jesinger"), to provide Ketchum's Police Department with professional internal investigation services

06/27/2005 Link
05-052 Resolution No. 05-052

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement among the City of Ketchum, the City of Sun Valley, the Sun Valley Water and Sewer District, Glassmeyer Properties limited partnership, Richard and Diana Fassino, Anne Edmondson and Behnke Property Trust UTA 9/7/95, who are all of the owners of S/G Subdivision and Wyndermere Subdivision for the purpose of providing fire suppression water services to such subdivisions for a specific period

06/20/2005 Link
05-051 Resolution No. 05-051

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council approving the FY 2006-2011 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

06/20/2005 Link
05-050 Resolution No. 05-050

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council awarding bids for 2005 Street materials

06/20/2005 Link
05-049 Resolution No. 05-049

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, adopting the National Incident Management System ("NIMS") as currently set forth by the Secretary of Homeland Security in accordance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-5) and as such system may be modified from time to time

05/27/2005 Link
05-048 Resolution No. 05-048

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council adopting the Employee Handbook and repealing Resolutions 490, 494, 517, 783, 820, 847 and 03-019

11/07/2005 Link
05-047 Resolution No. 05-047

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute a settlement agreement between the City and Catherine G. Fischer et al. resolving all attorney fees and costs award in "Fischer et al. v. City of Ketchum," Idaho Supreme Court Docket No. 29469; and authorizing a payment to Catherine G. Fischer et al. in settlement of such awards in the amount of $28,000

05/19/2005 Link
05-046 Resolution No. 05-046

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute a joint exercise of Powers Agreement between the Ketchum Fire Department and the USDA Forest Service, Sawtooth National Forest

05/16/2005 Link
05-045 Resolution No. 05-045

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City and Epiphany Solutions, LLC, Linden Networking & Microsystems, Inc.

05/16/2005 Link
05-044 Resolution No. 05-044

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute a settlement and mutual release agreement resolving a pending judicial review action and a pending lawsuit filed against the City by Richard and Sunni Gadsby

05/16/2005 Link
05-043 Resolution No. 05-043

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council authorizing co-sponsorship of the 2005 Bravo Summer Concert Series at the Park and Ride site and directs the Planning Director to process the Special Event Permit

05/16/2005 Link
05-042 Resolution No. 05-042

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council authorizing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for community housing at the Park and Ride site

05/16/2005 Link
05-041 Resolution No. 05-041

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City and Council Member Christina Potters accepting her resignation from City Council and providing certain medical benefits to her

05/02/2005 Link
05-040 Resolution No. 05-040

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Quit Claim Deed transferring any right, title and interest the City might have in and to a vacated portion of Eighth Street from the City of Ketchum to Frenchman's Place, LLC

05/02/2005 Link
05-039 Resolution No. 05-039

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council authorizing the use of Police Trust Funds for remodeling the Police Department

05/02/2005 Link
05-038 Resolution No. 05-038

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council approving the FY 2006-2011 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

05/02/2005 Link
05-037 Resolution No. 05-037

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council approving a lease agreement to finance a replacement sander with attachments, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement

05/02/2005 Link
05-036 Resolution No. 05-036

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council accepting a bid for a sander truck with attachments for a low bid of $156,592 and authorizing the Mayor to award the bid

05/02/2005 Link
05-035 Resolution No. 05-035

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council accepting change order #2 for the wastewater treatment plant enhancement project in the amount of $40,200, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the change order

05/02/2005 Link
05-033 Resolution No. 05-033

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council authorizing a vision care HRA, appropriating funds from savings achieved by the health insurance plan, and authorizing the Mayor to execute contracts for these services

04/18/2005 Link
05-032 Resolution No. 05-032

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council waiving the existing policy and authorizing 2 hour parking on the south side of First Street for the entire block between Main Street and Washington Street

04/18/2005 Link
05-031 Resolution No. 05-031

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council committing up to $60,000 to KART from the fund balance for the completion of an employee housing unit above the new bus wash facility

04/18/2005 Link
05-030 Resolution No. 05-030

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council re-appointing Harold Johnson to the Ketchum Planning and Zoning Commission for a three year term expiring April 19, 2008

04/18/2005 Link
05-029 Resolution No. 05-029

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, authorizing and instructing the Mayor to execute a joint exercise of powers agreement with the Camas County Ambulance; Cassia Regional Medical Center (d.b.a. Life Run Ambulance), Gooding County EMS, Ketchum Fire Department, Magic Valley Paramedics, LLC; Minidoka Memorial Hospital (d.b.a. Emergency Response Ambulance), Saint Alphonsus Life Flight (Jerome), Sims Ambulance, Inc., Wood River Fire & Rescue, and Lincoln County EMS, herein referred to as "Party or Parties"

04/04/2005 Link
05-028 Resolution No. 05-028

Resolution of the City of Ketchum City Council authorizing transfer of title of a surplus 1984 Van Pelt fire engine to the Carey Rural Fire Protection District

04/04/2005 Link
