Word on the Street
The Mayor's Missive | January 3, 2025
This just in—after working collaboratively with both the US Postal Service and our federal officials, we are delighted to see that local post office boxes will now be free to all Ketchum residents. If you have a post office box in Ketchum, you will be getting a flier in the mail that will explain the qualification criteria and how to apply for a free post office box. I want to thank the tireless efforts of our City Council; the offices of Senator Mike Crapo and Representative Mike Simpson; and Ketchum Postmaster, Shannon Ferraro, for making this happen!
After an exhaustive year-long process, we are nearing the completion of the new Comprehensive Plan. First, I want to thank everyone for their input during the drafting of the plan. Let’s look at the numbers. Over the last year, we collected 908 survey responses and held 23 in-person community meetings and events (315 total in-person attendees), numerous advisory committee meetings, 13 elected or appointed official and public updates, and 6 walking tours (more than 78 total participants). We are delighted by the participation of our community and the thoughtfulness of the input we received. This helped us craft a draft Comprehensive Plan that reflects your feedback. Thank you! There is one more chance to provide input on the plan. Please join us for an open house on January 15, 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, at the Limelight Hotel. Refreshments and pizza are provided!
With the closing of each year comes reflection and time to make plans for the next twelve months. We all have endeavors ahead—and, most likely, resolutions that come with them! Some are familiar. Some are new. For us, returning efforts include housing policy, parking management, bike and pedestrian improvements, and public safety. Habitat restoration and amenity improvements at Warm Springs Preserve and exploring Local Improvement District (LID) funding options to support a parking structure make the list of new ventures. We also look to finalize the new Comprehensive Plan, complete the rebuild of Main Street between 4th and 10th Street, and begin assisting in the consolidation of fire departments throughout the Wood River Valley. It will be an exciting year ahead! Our New Year’s resolution is to remain committed to tackling each task with transparency, collaboration, and resolve to achieve solutions that serve the best interests of our community.
Roll on 2025—wishing you the very best for a happy, healthy year!
To read the rest of Issue No. 166 of the Word on the Street, click here.