- 6.04.010 Purpose
- 6.04.020 Animals running at large
- 6.04.025 Female in heat prohibited from running at large
- 6.04.030 Nuisance
- 6.04.040 Dangerous animals
- 6.04.050 Authority to impound
- 6.04.060 Lawful to go on premises
- 6.04.080 Rabid animals quarantined for observation
- 6.04.090 Exotic wildlife
- 6.04.100 Dog licensing
- 6.04.110 Cruelty prohibited and penalties
- 6.04.120 Unlawful to poison and penalties
- 6.04.130 Duties of animal control officers and the Police Department
- 6.04.140 Interfering or obstructing an animal control officer or the Police Department
- 6.04.150 Redemption of impounded dogs
- 6.04.160 Penalties