Second Fire Bond Open House, Tuesday July 9

KETCHUM, Idaho – The City of Ketchum, Idaho is holding its second Open House to provide information on a bond for a new fire station.

The Open House will take place at Ketchum City Hall on Tuesday, July 9, from noon to 1:00 p.m., and again from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

The city will provide updated and new information on the location concept, floor plan concept, estimated costs, timelines and tax impact. Mayor Neil Bradshaw and city staff will be available to answer questions and address citizen concerns.

Additional Open Houses and opportunities for the public to provide comment are:

  • City Council Meeting – July 15
  • City Council Meeting – August 5
  • Open House III – August 13
  • City Council Meeting – August 19
  • City Council Meeting – September 3
  • Open House IV – October 1
  • Open House V – October 15 
  • Open House VI – October 29

If you cannot attend, please submit comments and questions to