Ketchum City Council Adopts Local Public Health Emergency Order
KETCHUM, Idaho – On Friday, Mar. 27, Ketchum City Council approved the adoption of more restrictive measures to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) Order of Mar. 25.
Since the adoption of an emergency ordinance on Monday, Mar. 23, the City Council has the authority to adopt health orders tailored for Ketchum and more restrictive than the IDHW Order.
“With Blaine County having the highest rate of community spread in Idaho, we need to take this extra step to ensure the safety of residents and visitors to our town,” said Mayor Neil Bradshaw. “I am thankful to everyone for taking this so seriously and appreciate all the efforts people have taken to slow down the spread of COVID-19.”
This is a unified approach taken by each community to ensure consistency throughout the County.
The new Ketchum Health Order will become effective on Monday, Mar. 30, and remain in effect until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Apr. 12.
The Order contains the following measures:
- Construction of housing and commercial projects must cease operations.
- Plumbers, electricians and other trades can only perform work that is immediate and essential.
- Landscaping and other residential service providers must cease operations.
- Hotels and short-term rentals may not offer lodging to non-residents of Blaine County, except lodging may be provided to health care workers or those performing essential government functions.
- Blaine County residents returning home from out of state travel must self quarantine at home for 14 days upon their return. Visitors from out of state coming to Blaine County must also self-quarantine for 14 days.
- Travel outside of Blaine County to obtain items otherwise available in the County is prohibited.
- Any businesses permitted to operate under the Mar. 25, 2020 IDHW Order, shall comply with the social distancing requirements.
- Any violation of the Ketchum Order, or the Mar. 25, 2020 IDHW Order, shall be a misdemeanor.
For updates on city actions toward COVID-19, visit Spanish translations of several documents can also be found on the city website.
City of Ketchum Public Health Order 20-01 is attached.