1st & Washington Ave. redevelopment Local Improvement District (LID) funding for the potential parking garage

KURA 1st & Washington Ave. Parking Lot

In 2022, Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency (KURA) embarked on a workforce housing development at 1st Street and Washington Avenue in Ketchum. The proposed development would replace the current parking lot owned by KURA. Public input was received in late 2024 requesting that the project include a public parking garage. It was determined that the parking garage would be feasible if it were partially funded through a Local Improvement District (LID)—a financing method where affected property owners pay a special assessment for community upgrades, like a parking garage. The public overwhelmingly supported the concept, and the Ketchum City Council and KURA board agreed to refine the concept further. 

Funding details for the parking structure have been refined. Now, we need your input to determine how to move forward.

1. Take the survey

Learn about the project and funding and take the survey at ketchumura.org or scan the QR code with your mobile device

2. Attend the public presentations and provide feedback

Held at Ketchum City Hall on the following dates and times: