Ordinance ID | Title | Summary | Adopted Date | Attachments |
1017 | Ordinance No. 1017 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, repealing Ordinance No.909 in its entirety and adopting the 2006 Edition of the International Fire Code including Appendix Chapters B,D and F |
07/16/2007 | Link |
1016 | Ordinance No. 1016 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, adopting the 2006 Editions of the International Building Code including Appendices A,B,C,E,G,I and J, and Section 903 as modified by the Ketchum Fire Department; excluding Sections 101.4.1 and 101.4.4; the International Residential Code, Parts I through VI and Part IX including Appendix A,B,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,M; the International Mechanical Code; the International Energy Conservation Code; the International Fuel Gas Code; the International Existing Building Code; the International Property Maintenance Code; published by the International Code Council... |
01/07/2007 | Link |
1015 | Ordinance No. 1015 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Ordinance Number 986, the Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2006, and ending September 30, 2007: appropriating additional monies to be received by the City of Ketchum, Idaho, in the sum of $2,550,636.oo; and, providing an effective date |
06/26/2007 | Link |
1014 | Ordinance No. 1014 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Blaine County, Idaho, authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, in the principal amount of $1,550,000; providing for the date, form, maturities, designation, registration, authentication, and redemption of the bonds; fixing the rates of interest on the bonds; describing the project to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds; providing for the sale of the bonds to Zions Bank Public Finance; providing for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds by the annual levy of taxes; establishing funds; providing... |
06/05/2007 | Link |
1012 | Ordinance No. 1012 |
An Interim Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-6524 Amending Title 17, Chapter 17.100, Ketchum Municipal Code "Pedestrian Access Overlay District (PA)", Section 17.100.010 "Pedestrian Access Overlay Zoning District - Purpose" and Section 17.100.030 "Parking Regulations", by adding new language regarding the implementation of the Warm Springs Base Area circulation plan and by adding a new section 17.100.050 "Use Regulations" limiting ground floor uses in such overlay zone to retail and hotel uses for new construction and remodels in excess of fifty... |
07/02/2007 | Link |
1011 | Ordinance No. 1011 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 16, Chapter 16.08, Ketchum Municipal Code "Planned Unit Developments", Section 16.08.080 "Standards", by adding new language to allow the three acre minimum lot size for a planned unit development application be waived for a hotel project located in the Tourist District |
03/19/2007 | Link |
1010 | Ordinance No. 1010 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, by adding a new Title 4, "Commissions", Chapter 4.01, "Arts Commission"; to state the purpose and policy of the City in encouraging public art; to provide administrative responsibilities for the conservation and maintenance of public art; to provide for the establishment, composition and terms of the Arts Commission; to provide for duties and responsibilities of the Commission |
04/02/2007 | Link |
1009 | Ordinance No. 1009 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 5, "Business Licenses and Regulations,: by adding a new chapter, 5.02, "Licenses Generally" to be known as the business license ordinance; providing definitions, application requirements, exceptions, standards for issuance of license, license fee renewal, change of location, prohibition against doing business without a license, right of appeal and enforcement |
05/07/2007 | Link |
1008 | Ordinance No. 1008 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17 "Zoning", Chapter 17.12 "Establishment of Districts", and the City of Ketchum Zoning Map, by changing the zoning of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 85, Ketchum Townsite and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 86, Ketchum Townsite from General Residential - Low Density (GR-L) to General Residential - High Density (GR-H); requiring the owner to enter a development agreement with the City pursuant to Ketchum Municipal Code Chapter 17.154 and Idaho Code Section 67-6511A; providing a savings and severability clause;... |
03/05/2007 | Link |
1007 | Ordinance No. 1007 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, vacating the First Street Right-of-Way between Blocks 85 and 86, Ketchum Townsite from the Walnut Avenue Right-of-Way on the West to the public alley to the East which transects Blocks 85 and 86, Ketchum Townsite; and authorizing the Mayor to execute a quit claim deed |
03/05/2007 | Link |
1006 | Ordinance No. 1006 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, partially lifting the interim moratorium established by Ordinance No.989 in the Tourist (T) District but not in the General Residential - High Density District (GR-H) |
02/05/2007 | Link |
1005 | Ordinance No. 1005 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.64 Community Core District establishing requirements for transfer of development rights |
02/22/2007 | Link |
1004 | Ordinance No. 1004 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.80 Recreation Use District (RU) amending Conditional Uses permitted to include residential dwelling units |
02/05/2007 | Link |
1003 | Ordinance No. 1003 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 12, Chapter 12.28, Ketchum Municipal Code "City Parks and Pathways", Section 12.28.020 "Camping in Parks", by amending the heading and adding new language prohibiting camping on City property or in the City Right-of-Way |
02/20/2007 | Link |
1002 | Ordinance No. 1002 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 17, Chapter 17.144 Appeals, Sections 17.144.010.C and 17.144.020.C of the Ketchum Municipal Code to allow appellants to submit written arguments in addition to oral arguments on appeal |
02/20/2007 | Link |
1001 | Ordinance No. 1001 | Link | ||
1000 | Ordinance No. 1000 | Link | ||
0999 | Ordinance No. 0999 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.08, Definitions, Section 17.08.020, by adding and amending certain definitions relevant to the City of Ketchum Zoning Code |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0998 | Ordinance No. 0998 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.32, General Residential - High Density District, Chapter 17.52, Tourist District Chapters 17.56 and 17.60, Tourist-3000 Zoning District, Tourist-4000 Zoning District; and Chapter 17.124, Accessory Buildings and Uses by adding an incentive inclusionary housing provision; modifying permitted and conditional uses; creating tables for setback regulations for clarity, establishing maximum floor area ratios; replacing lot coverage requirements with open site area requirements; increasing height... |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0997 | Ordinance No. 0997 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 17, Chapter 17.88, Floodplain Management Overlay Zoning District (FP), 17.88.050, Article 1. Flood Damage Prevention, General Provisions, C. Uses Permitted and 17.88.060, Administration, E. Criteria for Evaluation of Applications, of the Ketchum Municipal Code by adding an exclusion to uses permitted and adding criteria for evaluation of applications |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0996 | Ordinance No. 0996 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending Title 17, Chapter 17.104, Mountain Overlay Zoning District (MO) Sections 17.104.030, Mountain Overlay Zoning District Boundaries, B., 17.104.060, Mountain Overlay Design Review Preapplication Review, F., 17.104.070, Mountain Overlay Design Review, Criteria and Standards, A and C of the Ketchum Municipal Code by making an addition to the boundaries within the Knob Hill Area, by amending the amount of time allowed for delays of commission on-site reviews and by adding certain language to the mountain overlay design review criteria and... |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0995 | Ordinance No. 0995 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Chapter 17.96, Design Review District, Subsection 17.96.090.B, amending criteria and standards by providing energy efficiency and green building principles; by providing a severability clause; by providing a codifying clause; by providing a repealer clause; by providing for publication by summary; and by providing for an effective date |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0994 | Ordinance No. 0994 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, replacing the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Land Use Code, Chapter 17.64 Community Core District (CC) in its entirety with a form-based code including regulations for land use, building form, design regulations, affordable workforce housing inclusionary zoning requirements; providing for a severability clause; providing for a codifying clause; providing for a repealer clause; providing for publication by summary; and providing an effective date |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0993 | Ordinance No. 0993 |
An Ordinance of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, amending the Ketchum Municipal Code, Title 17, Land Use Code, by adding a new chapter, Chapter 17.114, Workforce Housing Linkage Regulations, which outlines requirements for affordable deed restricted workforce housing with all new residential and non-residential development within the City; by providing for a severability clause; by providing for a codifying clause; by providing for a repealer clause; by providing for publication by summary; and by providing an effective date |
10/30/2006 | Link |
0992 | Ordinance No. 0992 |
An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Ketchum, Idaho, adopting the Ketchum Urban Renewal Area Plan; authorizing the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this ordinance and other required information to County officials, State officials and other taxing entities; providing a savings and severability clause; providing a repealer clause; providing for publication by summary; and providing for an effective date |
11/15/2006 | Link |